Wednesday, May 07, 2008

SOBCON08 - New friends

Ruth Marie SylteThe start of SOBCON was awesome. Ruth Mary Sylte @rmsylte tweeting to me that the CTA ( Chicago "el") was the best way to reach down town. Its amazing and costs only $2. You reach town in 30 minute or less.

I met Liz Strauss in Chicago for the first time on a meridian on Michigan Avenue on Friday. We had met previously in SXSW in Austin. You can't miss her - she is tall and remarkable.


LiZ Strauss - I may be on the meridian but biz never stops


Todd Jordan @tojosan


Tojosan( Todd Jordan) I was looking forward very much to meet. Despite the weather paying spoilsport he arrived at the hotel in time for us to walk around and get a meal . I really got to know him well and he is very genuine and is the kind of person who will help anyone selflessly. With Tojosan it was like we continued our online conversation offline.

We walked to the Khyber Restaurant to meet some other awesome guys Dawud Miracle, Adam Kayce , Chris Garett and have some great food. Chris took a rain check as he was feeling the jet lag and wanted some shut eye before the boat ride.

Malai kabab at Khyber Pass in Chicago

Dawud Miracle and Adam Kayce Photo By Denise Wakeman

Randy Windsor from Network Solutions

I met my fellow Network Solutions attendee Randy Windsor also for the first time in Chicago.

I have to write more about the boat ride, the evening in the Emerald Loop, meeting Leah Jones in person.


The city of Chicago was full of nice and polite people and so was the entire attendee list of SOBCON.

Don't be fooled by John Hong's pose here. He is very interesting and blogs for Zappos. ( Is that right?)

John Hong SObcon08


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