Sunday, February 27, 2011

Facebook credits going mainstream at Safeway

Swami’s Weekly Book list : Carol J Roth’s Entrepreneur Equations and Himalayan Dhaba

Entrepreneur Equation By Carol J Roth
It is exciting to be closely associated with many entrepreneurs and authors. I was fascinated to receive a preview copy of Carol Roth’s forthcoming book “Entrepreneur Equations “. Entrepreneur Equations’ is currently in pre launch ( the official launch is March 22nd) on )
Proving her entrepreneurship Carol has some interesting ways to make the launch entrepreneurial and also do good at the same time.
You can join Carol Roth & a cadre of others to help SCORE meet their goal of growing 1 million successful new businesses by 2017.
This is what Carol says about partnering with SCORE:
I am beyond thrilled to be partnering with SCORE nationally and would love to partner with you personally to help achieve the goal of creating one million successful new businesses by 2017.
As you well know, small businesses are being touted as the growth engine that will save our economy. But I am sure you that would agree it will only be the case if we can change the success statistics related to small business. I believe in the mantra, “if you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail” and with up to 90% failure rates of businesses, entrepreneurs need more interactions with valuable advisors like the ones at SCORE. Click here to donate a copy of The Entrepreneur Equation to SCORE.
I also want to make you aware of the creative pre-launch contest Carol’s put together:
By clicking on the link above, you’ll see some of the amazing bonus offers that Carol is giving away to readers who buy the book this week, including an exclusive 3-part Audio Series: Strategies for Getting Your Company, Your Product or Yourself on TV & Other Free Press! with Emmy award winners, TV anchors and PR veterans.  And, you’ll get the scoop on the generous prizes offered by entrepreneurs you respect and admire, including Alexis Neely, Liz Strauss, Michael Port and many more.
These offers expire March 8, 2011 or first-come for the limited offers, so lock yours in now
Carol Roth Partners With SCORE to help Small Businesses from Carol Roth on Vimeo.

Other book thoughts :

  • Too Big to Fail Too Big to Fail: The Inside Story of How Wall Street and Washington Fought to Save the Financial System---and Themselves by Andrew Ross Sorkin : This book reads like a exciting novel with a inside view of how Wall Street works where connections are everything . In my mind folks like Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase are the real heroes and my esteem of Wall Street went up. Reading the book I now feel America will rise up to any crisis putting any differences behind and act quickly. here is a extract from a Washington Post review:

  • If Lehman failed, Citigroup, Merrill Lynch and others were in danger. The task of saving financial markets fell primarily to President George W. Bush's Treasury secretary, Henry "Hank" Paulson, the former leader of Goldman Sachs; Timothy Geithner, head of the NY Federal Reserve (later the Obama administration's Treasury secretary); Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase; and Ben Bernanke, Federal Reserve chair. When Paulson and Dimon had worked on Bear's rescue, Paulson had urged Dimon to offer $2 a share. Dimon went to $10 so shareholders would not reject it. Paulson thought that was better than Bear deserved.
    • Himalayan Dhaba by Craig Joseph Danner – I am a sucker for all books India, tales of the Raj days is my favorite. I picked up this book at the temporary library Montgomery County has setup in the Lake Forest Mall while the Gaithersburg library is being renovated. While the book is fictional author Craig Danner actually worked in the Himalayas as a doctor . Now wonder some of the details in the book are so close to reality – taxi drivers, dhabas, porters unloading luggage from buses. This is a good book , however I caution you that this book is not for those who expect a happy and cheerful book but definitely a adventure and a eye into a vast new world.
    • Searchial Marketing: How Social Media Drives Search Optimization in Web 3.0 by Dr Alan Glazier @eyeinfo :- I have  read preview copy of  this book yet and I have been told I am part of this book atl east as a contributor for a blurb on the book’s cover so i am eager to get a autographed copy soon. How did a doctor school himself in the intricacies of social media and search engine marketing to not only create a success for his business but also become and expert speaker on the subject, the book will definitely tell you.
    What books have you been reading ? Comment and let me know.

    Sunday, February 20, 2011

    For a Cup of Coffee Knowledge Was Gained : Meeting @Nutzareus

    Patch meetup at Chloes Coffee KentlandsIt was a day of coincidences, getting up this morning and looking uo my twitter stream to see Jillian Badanes (@NPotomacPatch) tweet "Don't forget to join us for a free cup of coffee at Chloe's Coffee today from 7 a.m. until noon:"

    I love all things local and was honored to featured on the North Potomac Patch Meet your neighbor interview  and got me thinking about how to attend this local meetup. The decision was made when my friend Ching-Yao Yu @nutzareus said he would be there if I was going. We have conflicting work schedules and this was a great opportunity to catch-up.  He is the podcast host at and carries Foursquare ambassador cards which he hands out to businesses and answers any questions they have about FourSquare. He is also organizing the Montgomery County Foursquare Day April 16th 2011 and wants to collaborate with local food banks and local fire departments to .make the event drive a charity effort. These activities have nothing to do with his day job and he is also in the army reserve.

    Ching-Yao is that kind of a guy always thinking about doing good. I think I met him offline first at DC 's Twestival ( reminder this year's DC Twestival is on March 24th) last year and enjoyed his tweets helping me answer questions specially about cell phones and operating systems ( See photo above and tell me how many phones he carries?) He was deployed for a year in the US Army Operation Iraqi Freedom and narrated some of his experiences which was very engrossing for me. I enjoyed talking to him and felt the time pass away too fast and look forward to meeting him more often. 

    The "Free Coffee Day With Patch" was a nice event to come to a local business and meet friends. I enjoyed meeting the patch team.Douglas Tillman, Jill Yager and Jillian Badanes of
    Patch meetup at Chloes Coffee Kentlands

    • Chloe's coffee is a nice friendly neighborhood coffee shop located at 244 Main St, North Potomac, MD 20878 in Kentlands.
    • Website:
    • Phone: 301-355-7284
    • Email:
    I hope you are reading your local neighborhood Patch.  My location is so unique that I read these patch editions:

    Wednesday, February 16, 2011

    Thursday, February 10, 2011

    This webinar is totally wrong : Facebook Page Marketing with Q & A

    Ok the headline was meant to attract your attention to this HubSpot

    Live Webinar: Facebook Page Marketing with Q & A on Feb 15th at 1 p.m ET. Language is changing so much that when I say this webinar is totally wrong, I mean this is so right witrh some awesome panelists. This panel has some awesome folks who have rolled up their sleeves to enable businesses to understand and use new media tools and platforms.

    Date/Time: Tue, Feb. 15 at 1pm ET (local time)
    Presenters: Justin Kistner of Webtrends, Justin Levy of Citrix, Jason Keath of Social Fresh and Ellie Mirman of HubSpot

    • I met Justin Kistner at the Wappow Search and Social Woot conference last year where he did a awesome presentation on Facebook Marketing and insights .
    • Jason Keath has been a friend since 2008 when I first met him in Charlotteville SC and watched as he founded Social Fresh conferences for businesses using new media.
    • Justin levy is a good friend as well and is now with Citrix online and I hope to meet Ellie Mirman sometime soon maybe at SXSW
    Register for the webinar  and you won't be disappointed

    AI generated summary of 60 minutes AI edition

    In a 60 Minutes interview that aired on April 17, 2023, Google CEO Sundar Pichai warned that artificial intelligence (AI) is advancing rapid...