Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 in pictures – Year of sharing and learning

#sofresh Social Fresh Conference Nashville pre -Party Pictures 
Good start with meeting Jason Falls January - Social Fresh Nashville  organized by @jakrose Jason keath
Women In Technology January Lunch Bunch 
Jen Sterling, Heidi Kalett and Roger Hewlett in the January - Women In Technology January Lunch Bunch Panel
Wizards Vs. Lakers Game in DC Jan 26th 
My First Wizards Game - Wizards Vs. Lakers Game in DC Jan 26th with @cheeky_geeky and Geoff Livingston. (Thanks Geoff)
NVTC SMC Event Feb 2010 (8) 
With Nicole Nolte and Jenn Conner February - NVTC Social Media Committee February  event
Raj Malik @rajmalikdc Mike Mauseth  @kikscore and Steven Fisher helped me and Network Solutions organize the February - Social Commerce Camp DC
I gave the keynote for the Frederick Chamber New Media Conference February and made new friends Thanks @jesshibb
DCTwestival March 2010 (15)
@nakeva Nakeva Corothers organized the DC Twestival March 2010 with an amazing team of DC friends

Social Reputation Management Conference organized by and thanks to my friend Maggie Soloday for taking this picture
Social Media Club Richmond #SMCRVA (32)
SMCRVA meet March 2010 And making new friends. Thanks Dough Meacham and #RVA folks
Gel Conference #gel2010 (245)
Listening to Sal Khan at Gel Conference 2010
Complete Idiots Guide to Social Media Marketing Launch party (112)
Launch party of Complete Idiots Guide to Social Media Marketing Launch party (112)
Visit to the University of Maryland as a future Terp parent
Tom Peters at the #sweetevent in DC-1
Meeting Tom Peters In real life March at Debbie Weil’s #Sweetevent
Social Media Plus 2010

Shel Holtz said at the  Social Media Plus 2010 where I presented on Social media marketing for small business

National Small Business Week 2010 (183)
Thanks to Ken Yancey of SCORE I once again attended National Small Business Week DC. Also met my friend Rieva Lesonsky who spoke at this conference.
Small Business Tech Summit (2)
The Amazing team at with Ramon Ray, Laura Lietes and Beth Silver
SXSW 2010 (107)
Shama Kabani’s book launch at SXSW The Zen of Social Media Marketing
With the amazing @netsolcares team in Hazleton PA
Sobcon 2010 Chicago #sobcon (144)
Sobcon 2010 in austere presence of Chris Brogan and JJ French of Twisted Sister. This is a must attend conference
Affcon 2010 #affcon Denver_-102
I met my friend Paul Swansen in Denver where I had gone to speak at Affcon. Thanks Kit Seeborg for organizing a meetup.
Women Grow Business Boot Camp #wgbiz #dcweek _
Honored to be part of the Women Grow Business #wgbiz bootcamp  organized by SHonali burke @shonali held as part of #DCWeek
Rocky Gap State Park Western Maryland
Visiting the beautiful Rocky Gap State Park in Maryland with parents visiting from India
My son learnt the art of self portraits
3 "Indian guys" at #csm10 all from DC @rohitbhargava @vasta @shashib
With Rohit Bhargava and Sameer Vasta at the Corporate Social Media conference in New York. met good buddy Aaron Strout there as well.
Build Your Brand - Build Your Career
Speaking to Georgetown students on Build your brand and build your career. Questions from this event lead to a article in
Global Social CRM Community meet-up
Experiencing CISCO’s telepresence for the first time at Global Social CRM community worldwide event (16 countries) Thanks @glfceo Tatyana Kanzaveli
#Summermash DC @mashable event August 2010
Meeting Mashable Friends Brian Dresher , Adam Hirsch, Sharon Hirsch and Brett Persel
American Red Cross Conference On Use Of Internet & Social Media In Emergencies
Red Cross Crisis Data Summit – Geoff Livingston a good friend with Wendy Harman of Red Cross.
Puerto Rico 2010
Puerto Rico is not only beaches – El Yunke Rain Forest
Nationals vs Cardinals
Nationals Game with Raj and Rebcca Malik and Asha
Blogworld 2010
At Blogworld #bwe10 with Chris Heuer and Becky Carroll at the Network Solutions lunch
Optimization Summit Dallas TX Sept 2010 #optsum
Optsum Dallas - @zaneology @conniereece @ck and @mackcollier – Thanks Tammi Siewruk @multifamilypro and Duncan Alney @firebelly
#sswoot Networking close to nature
#sswoot Conference in Hawaii networking on top of a mountain in Kauai Hawaii. Jenn Mathews has a new concept in her conferences at
GrowSmartBiz 2010
GrowSmartBiz Small Business Conference – Marie Johns – SBA Deputy Administrator , Alex Orfinger publisher Washington Business Journal and Miles Reidy COO and CFO Network Solutions
GrowSmartBiz 2010
My colleague Susan Wade and Rieva Lesonsky Spekaer, entrepreneur and editor of among other ventures.
GrowSmartBiz 2010My first appearence on TV Here with Morris Jones of TBD tv news Channel 8 talking about the GrowSmartBusiness Conference
Affcon 2010 Miami
Met again with Jay Berkowitz of at Affcon 2010 Miami where I spoke on Social media analytics
Holiday Breakfast Tweetup : Gaithersburg

Holiday Breakfast Tweetup : Gaithersburg and book launch event for Beth Schillaci’s “Your Social Media Roadmap

Austin Meetup Dec 2010
Ended the year with a meetup  organized by Mike Neumann. Was great to beer and cheer with Shawn  Collins, Matt Milula, Vid Luther, Kara d'andrea Soluri, Sheila Scarborough, Keith Casey, Jennie lowev, Eizabeth Quantanilla, Haley ODom and Sridhar Yakkanti
See more 2010 pictures on my Flickr stream. How did you remember this year ?

Thursday, December 30, 2010

It was the night before New Year at the Flying Saucer Austin – actually 2 nights before

Austin Meetup Dec 2010

it was a nice and relaxing Austin vacation for me visiting family Dec 2010  seeing the kids running around the house and playing. Taking the vacation even further, was the meet up organized by Mike Neumann @mikeneumann at the Flying Saucer in Austin. Great chance to meet old friends and make new friends.

Very interesting SlideShare Zeitgeist 2010

SlideShare Zeitgeist 2010
View more presentations from Rashmi Sinha.
Hat tip to Kit Seeborg for sharing this with me

AI generated summary of 60 minutes AI edition

In a 60 Minutes interview that aired on April 17, 2023, Google CEO Sundar Pichai warned that artificial intelligence (AI) is advancing rapid...