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SNCR Research Symposium and Awards Gala Nov 2012
Storified by Shashi Bellamkonda · Mon, Nov 12 2012 10:03:24
The 7th Annual #SNCR Symposium & Awards Gala starts TOMORROW! Sign up now for this great event in Menlo Park: http://ow.ly/f5L4A Todd Van Hoosear
Paul Gillin taking about voice of the customers at #sncrShashiBellamkonda
Very interesting talk about the big data crunching in the Presidential Elections #sncrShashiBellamkonda
Jen McClure kicking off SNCR SymposiumShashiBellamkonda
At #sncr Giovanni Rodriguez talking about marketing of Presidential Elections @giorodriguezShashiBellamkonda
David Larcker of Stanford's Business School sharing research on board b of c directors and social media #sncrShashiBellamkonda
@kdpaine at #sncr talking Social Media Measurement standardsShashiBellamkonda
#sncr kicking off with Jen McClure. Looking forward to a great program over the next few daysSvalderrama
Diaper disaster case study mentioned by @pgillin company vs. consumer perception Groundswell #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
Photo: Paul Gillin taking about voice of the customers at #sncr http://tmblr.co/Z4iXbyWsn--VShashi Bellamkonda
You can't build a community in time of a crisis quote from @pgillin presentation #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
Where crises originate: 22% YouTube, 22% community, 20% blogs, 18% Twitter, 14% Facebook... @pgillin #SNCRJenni B. Baker
"Customer attacks live on forever ... Because of social media and search" says @pgillin #sncrJen McClure
"You can't join a community at a time of crisis. You have to already be invested in the community" via @pgillin quoting Paul Fox PG&E #sncrSNCR
@kathyklotzguest fo. sho. See you there! #SNCR (around, like, 2 p.m. - busy busy day today)Courtney Pong
@CourtneyPong I'm there. #sncr is the best social media event of the year, wouldn't miss it for the worldKatie Delahaye Paine
@pgillin giving a great overview of why customers should fear places like @consumerist and http://change.org #sncrKatie Delahaye Paine
Appreciate @pgillin's presentation style of using case studies to drive the session rather than using them as ancillary references. #SNCRJenni B. Baker
Context to my previous tweet, it is easy to setup & publish content easily for cosumers #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
"Amplifying the consumer voice is the most effective way of getting at a problem" --@pgillin referencing sites like the Consumerist. #SNCRJenni B. Baker
Attending the #SNCR Symposium (@ Stanford Park Hotel w/ 2 others) http://4sq.com/SxaWPzTony Obregon
Cheaper to have a policy to give customers back their money than argue with them @pgillin #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
Re: the importance of online reviews: Amazon is the most prolific, influential online publisher &they don't publish anything @pgillin #sncrJen McClure
Paul Gillin says 4 kinds of #SM aggressors, including extortionists who are becoming more of a problem. 10-15% reviews falsified. #sncrSusanne Rockwell
Look for spikes in mention of your brands and trends to see if a crisis is brewing @pgillin also names of company execs #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
Great advice, monitor twitter for your name and negative modifiers and relevant keywords like bluescreen, crash, won't start #sncrMelissaHourigan
Listening to @pgillin talk about "irritable influencers" who throw their weight around. #sncrTony Obregon
Can't wait to read @pgillin's forthcoming book Attack of the Customer #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
Is an attack on your brand brewing on #social media? Be sure to look for spikes in search queries #SNCR via @pgillin360 Public Relations
#sncr gr8 presentation & advice by @pgillin on protecting your brand onlineSvalderrama
Great talk by @pgillin on the attack of the customer via #socialmedia #sncr http://pic.twitter.com/rXczfZrLA Nieva-Woodgate
@shashib taking notes or maybe tweeting @pgillin's #SNCR talk. http://instagr.am/p/Rx0pnYhrmt/Shel Holtz
Transparency is essential on #social media ... #SNCR #360PR via @KRBishop360 Public Relations
We are beyond stage of Google alerts. Use tools to monitor for crisis. Need to hope for the best, prepare for the worst. #sncr @pgillinSusanne Rockwell
Communicate often, don’t be silence, and the speed in which you respond to a customers attack is important #SNCRSNCR
How do you ‘attack-proof’ your brand? Listen constantly #SNCR #360PRKyle Bishop
Right @shelholtz tweeting helps me refer back when I go back and hopefully helps the audience outside of #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
"Empathy matters more than apology. If your company screws up, your first step should be to listen."@pgillin at #sncr #brands #smmJD Lasica
Lots of amazing minds experts colleagues & friends here @the 7th annual #SNCR Symposium so good to be here w/everyone http://pic.twitter.com/XkKZUmtvJen McClure
Paul Gillan makes a great case for buying his book "Attack of the Customer" to understand how to handle #SM critics of your brand. #sncrSusanne Rockwell
If you start doing customer service on Twitter… You better be ready to do customer service on Twitter! @pgillin #SNCR #360PRKyle Bishop
"Companies basing hiring decisions based on @Klout scores - what the hell is going on there?" - @pgillin at #sncr #business #kloutJD Lasica
Angry Birds Space is my bet. :0) @shelholtz: @shashib taking notes or maybe tweeting @pgillin's #SNCR talk. http://instagr.am/p/Rx0pnYhrmt/AM van den Hurk
If you start doing customer service on Twitter… You better be ready to do customer service on Twitter! @pgillin #SNCR #360PR via @KRBishop360 Public Relations
listening to Social Work Place Trust - Human 1.0 by @edmoran mentions work by @GPTW_US #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
#SNCR Fellow @edmoran sharing results of the new Trust in the Social Workplace study at the SNCR Symposium http://pic.twitter.com/vRBVi6KGJen McClure
2 days of listening to research and knowledge on new media communications at this conference. Follow this hashtag #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
@EdMoran on social workplace trust: Marketers, communicators, HR folks satisfied with their jobs. But say they could do better #SM. #sncrSusanne Rockwell
Most ppl believe the best way to learn about a company is social media compared to what is found on websites. @EdMoran #SNCRJenni B. Baker
Employees believe social is the best way to learn about the company & is more accurate than company websites @edmoran Human 1.0 study #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
Communicators saying #sm more accurate than their own websites! @EdMoran #sncrSusanne Rockwell
#SNCR study: People see social media as a better way to learn about a company than the company's website.Shel Holtz
Most respondents believe that the best way to lean about a company is through social media via @edmoran #sncrSNCR
Most trust the accuracy if co info from social media more than co website @Edmoran #sncrSvalderrama
People who like their job talk much more about their company in social media than people who are dissatisfied with their jobs. #SNCR...Jenni B. Baker
people who are satisfied in their work are 3.3 times as likely to talk about the company in Social Media. #sncrKatie Delahaye Paine
@EdMoran on workplace trust: #SM people satisfied with their jobs chatter 3.3 times more about their company. #sncrSusanne Rockwell
Resources for this session http://sncr.org, http://www.human1.com/ and follow @edmoran #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
Amazing. 20% of survey recipients said their company bans social media. I wonder how my counterparts in those companies get work done. #SNCRJenni B. Baker
20 percent of companies ban #SM use at work, 42 percent companies prefer employees not use it even with policies allowing it. @EdMoran #sncrSusanne Rockwell
20% of companies surveyed in the Trust in the Social Workplace study ban the employee use of social media @ work - @edmoran #sncrJen McClure
@craigthomler Not yet. We're hearing preliminary results at #SNCR symposium from Ed Moran of Human 1.0, which conducted the study.Shel Holtz
@fgossieaux We miss you here at #sncr @edmoran giving us great insights on the social workplace studyShashi Bellamkonda
#SNCR study: Most companies are not training employees about acceptable social media use (53.61%). This is a huge problem.Shel Holtz
#SNCR study: Most companies are not training employees about acceptable social media use (53.61%). This is a huge problem.Shel Holtz
#SNCR study: Most companies are not training employees about acceptable social media use (53.61%). This is a huge problem.Shel Holtz
Survey says over half of companies have no social media training via @EdMoran. #SNCRTony Obregon
MT @shelholtz: #SNCR study: Most companies are not training employees about acceptable social media use (53.61%). This is a HUGE problem.Peter Leung
1/3 of orgs don't fully understand potential benefits of external social media use: #SNCR study. Still hesitant b/c of negative comments.Shel Holtz
Follow @shelholtz not just for today's tweets but for thought leadership in communication & http://www.forimmediaterelease.biz/ #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
45% of respondents don't think their orgs are concerned about information leakage via social media. #SNCR studyShel Holtz
#EdMoran: biggest issue for companies with #SM is reputational risk and "informational leakage"..."always on the top of the list" #sncrSusanne Rockwell
#EdMoran says corporate bad experiences with #SM reduces corporate interest in using it. #sncrSusanne Rockwell
1/3 of #SNCR study respondents think enough employees have been trained on social media to interact with customers, others outside of org.Shel Holtz
#sncr only 1/3 of companies think they have sufficient number of employees trained to use social media. More technology than skillsKatie Delahaye Paine
Look at your social media budget - beyond the platforms, think about the human resources who are responsible for managing, listening #SNCRMelissaHourigan
Only a narrow majority of respondents to #SNCR study believe their orgs have clear view on part of org that should run social media.Shel Holtz
A lack of social media training leaves many companies vulnerable to risks and liabilities - SM is not just a comm channel #SNCR via @EdMoranMelissaHourigan
"A lack of social media training leaves many companies vulnerable to risk and liabilities" #SNCRSNCR
For a full review of the Social Workplace Trust Study send request at http://www.human1.com/social-workplace-trust-study/ #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
I like the idea that socmed training should include small case studies to illustrate points (good and bad) rather than just guidelines #SNCRJenni B. Baker
@IsabelRY interesting? shelholtz: Well, duh. #SNCR tudy: Treating employees as adults increases (cont) http://tl.gd/jufm62David King
#sncr David Larcker of Stanford up now, Social Media use among board directors and senior managementSvalderrama
Now hearing @StanfordCorpGov discuss study on social media use among directors and senior managers. #SNCRShel Holtz
Stanford's Larcker says #SM is a conversation, big, influential, but not a channel. It has moved into technology phase. #sncrSusanne Rockwell
Social Media is not just a channel, it is a conversation, not just technologies, innate human desire to connect @stanfordCorpGov #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
Now hearing from David Larcker on social media use among directors and senior managers #SNCRSNCR
Social media is not technology or a channel... it is a conversation… a BIG conversation. Is your brand joining that conversation? #SNCR360 Public Relations
Larcker: Is #SM "just one more thing"? Value proposition has not been nailed. #SM needs to translate into dollars and cents. #sncrSusanne Rockwell
According to Edelman 2012 is the first year that listening to customers is as important as high quality products & services #sncrJen McClure
Larcker: Skeptical that #SM is net positive to companies' bottom line. #SM nonfinancial stats don't translate into profit. #sncrSusanne Rockwell
Social media "seems" extremely important, but few corporate leaders incorporate social media information into strategic decisions #sncrKaren Lee
Follow #SNCR and @StanfordBiz to hear #corpgov expert Dave Larcker discuss the use of social media by directors & senior managersStanfordCorpGov
Link: What Do Corporate Directors and Senior Managers Know about Social Media?http://www.gsb.stanford.edu/cldr/research/surveys/social.html #sncr @StanfordCorpGovShashi Bellamkonda
34.2% of directors and sr. managers have only modest understanding ofsocial's impact on their orgs. Only 21.7% rated selves as good. #SNCRShel Holtz
65.6% of companies do not use info gathered from social as key performance measures to track success of biz activities. #SNCRShel Holtz
50% of companies do nott use social media to monitor potential risks to business. #SNCRShel Holtz
85.5% of boards of directors do NOT receive reports summarizing info and metrics from social media. #SNCRShel Holtz
86% of board of directos do not receive reports containing summary information & metrics from social media http://stnfd.biz/f8vgt #SNCRStanford Business
40% + of senior leaders at large orgs say they have a poor to modest understanding of the impact of social media on their companies #sncrJen McClure
55% of senior management teams get no reports of summary info and metrics from social media #SNCRShel Holtz
86% of corp bd members do not receive any social media info @ their cos. or make any decisions or KPIs based on social media- Larcker #sncrJen McClure
Social media manager was fired after tweeting out "Gonna have a great year this year" - before quarterly report was released. #sncr #oopsJD Lasica
Do you agree? Executives & board members may view social media as "beneath them" and is only for marketing or public relations. #SNCRStanford Business
Execs and board members may view social media as beneath them, leaving it for marketing and PR staff. #SNCRShel Holtz
Likely b/c many practitioners don't know how! MT @shelholtz 55% of senior mgmt don'tt get social media summary/metrics reports #SNCRBrian Wasson
@StanfordBiz Agree - So the question is why? Your thoughts? #SNCRCecile Thirion
@StanfordBiz #SNCR Agree on that. Its also a technophile / luddite aversion mix. "I don't do email" / "My PA prints all my emails" persists!Amir M. Sharif
MT “@shelholtz: 55% of sr mngmnt teams get no reports of summary info &metrics from social media #SNCR” But, like, they know we a FB page ;)Philip Mulder
Up next at #SNCR @shelholtz discussing how PR & @Wikipedia can work together for mutual benefit360 Public Relations
@shelholtz on @Wikipedia: 23 million articles (vs 100,000 in Encyclopedia Brittanica) in 285 languages, 6th ranked site in world. #sncrJD Lasica
@shelholtz doing a great explainer on Wikipedia & the great debate on accuracy of entries #sncr #creweKatie Delahaye Paine
Presenting now at the #SNCR symposium is @shelholtz on Wikipedia and communications professionals.SNCR
Wikipedia editorial oversight - anyone is an editor, admins use blocking/protection tools & "Bureaucrats" approve or remove admins #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
Key Rule of wikipedia is "Neutral Point of View" you cannot edit an article if you have a conflict of interest #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
The key rule for wikipedia - neutral point of view - if you are being paid by an organization, you do not have a neutral point of view #SNCRMelissaHourigan
@ShelHoltz: Neutral point of view for Wikipedia means PR folks have a conflict of interest: can't edit out mistakes. Unfair. #sncrSusanne Rockwell
Wikipedia process for pointing out inaccuracies is to use the "talk" function to alert wikipedians @shelholtz #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
If your company needs to make a change to a wikipedia page - you can request the change in the "talk" section #SNCRMelissaHourigan
@ShelHoltz says a lot of inaccuracy on Wikipedia because of the neutral policy. Companies can't update or correct facts. #sncrSusanne Rockwell
@ShelHoltz PSRA study looking at accuracy of leading orgs on Wikipedia: 60 percent companies about companies contain factual errors. #sncrSusanne Rockwell
60% of Wikipedia articles about companies contain factual errors #SNCR - not good new for PR who want to correct.MelissaHourigan
PR people don't understand Wikipedia -- PR: Anybody can edit right? Wikipedians: don't even try if you don't know the process! #SNCRMelissaHourigan
A thorn in my side for a long time --> @shelholtz talks about the strained relationship between PR and the Wikipedia community #SNCRTony Obregon
60% of company articles in Wikipedia contain factual errors @shelholtz #sncrSvalderrama
"There is no respect for #PR professionals in #Wikipedia community" - @shelholtz #SNCR SymposiumPaul Gillin
60% of Wikipedia entries about companies have factual errors, but corporate reps are disallowed from correcting them @shelholtz #sncrJen McClure
Key tenet of Wikipedia - You must cite a secondary source @shelholtz #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
You can't state a fact without a secondary source on Wikipedia - even if you were the source originally. #SNCRMelissaHourigan
@ShelHoltz CREWE was created on Facebook as a closed group for dialogue between #Wikipedia and PR folks. Conversation can get "testy." #sncrSusanne Rockwell
Current #Wikipedia policy doesn't recognize corp comm's interest in truth and fairness b/c of a few bad apples - @shelholtz #SNCRPaul Gillin
Wikipedia Engagement flowchart indicates labyrinthine process of updating an entry: http://bit.ly/CreweFlowchart1 #sncr #wikipediaJD Lasica
#Wikipedia Engagement Flowchart started by @philgomes http://ow.ly/f8Ie2 Wow, what a mess. More; http://ow.ly/f8IiU @shelholtz #SNCRPaul Gillin
For convoluted process & rules that PR professionals must take to request corrections to Wikipedia entries, see http://bit.ly/crewflowchart1 #sncrJen McClure
@ShelHoltz: If not embroiled in Wikipedia issue, rules are really boring to most PR folks. Leads to failure to improve distrust issue. #sncrSusanne Rockwell
PR & communicators who have tried to edit a @Wikipedia page: here's a handy engagement flowchart #sncr http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:CREWE_Wikipedia_Engagement_Flowchart.pdfKaren Lee
Disappointing to hear no progress between #Wikipedia editors and the PR community, especially after good-faith efforts by #SNCR leaders.Susanne Rockwell
Locked and loaded - Social and the Election is about to get going #sncr http://pic.twitter.com/L1NkLFF6SocialxDesign
Looking forward to Giovanni Rodriguez's talk on social technology & the 2012 presidential election. #sncrSusanne Rockwell
#sncr Giovanni Rodriguez is up, talking about social tech and the Presidential elections--lessons learned for marketing @giorodriguezSvalderrama
Speaking now at the #SNCR Symposium is @giorodriguez on Social Technology and the Presidential ElectionSNCR
Hispanics outpace other ethnic groups in their use of the social web, according to #sncr Fellow @giorodriguezJen McClure
Hispanics outperform on social, only surpassed by African Americans. @giorodriguez #sncrSusanne Rockwell
√@giorodriguez Social Tech and the Presidential Election: Could be called the packaging of the President or presidential marketing #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
@giorodriguez Old and new rules of marketing: presidential election "amazing sandbox" for marketing. Spent about $3 billion spent. #sncrSusanne Rockwell
@giorodriguez "Moment management" affected performance of the candidates; how money was raised also mattered in election. #sncrSusanne Rockwell
7 Mnemonic: Message, Messenger, Media, Moment, Money, Metrics, The "map" #SNCRSocialxDesign
. @giorodriguez shares his 7 social media factors in the presidential election:message, messenger, media, moment, metrics, money, map #sncrJen McClure
@giorodriguez Real innovation: recognizing American public might not get rid of standing prez if position of moving forward. #sncrSusanne Rockwell
Photo: At #sncr Giovanni Rodriguez talking about marketing of Presidential Elections @giorodriguez http://tmblr.co/Z4iXbyWttWvXShashi Bellamkonda
The offline world was what gave Obama the advantage #sncrSocialxDesign
Obama's social media following larger than Romney's, but @giorodriguez suggests that data & offline engagement played bigger roles #sncrJen McClure
"Moments are important to campaigns, but moments are difficult to manage today," says @giorodriguez #sncrJen McClure
Comparing Presidential debate camera poses to the Gartner Magic Quadrant @giorodriguez #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
Never nod your head on camera when someone is scolding you, Camera angle may make you seem like you are agreeing @giorodriguez #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
@giorodriguez suggests this Time article : Inside the Secret World of the Data Crunchers Who Helped Obama Win http://ti.me/Uj7o9o #SNCRMelissaHourigan
@marcapitman @giorodriguez talking about the Presidential debates and camera angles at #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
"We have to start looking at the value of real-time vs. prime-time," says @giorodriguez #sncrJen McClure
@giorodriguez Nate Silver of NYT 538 blog predicted correct presidential outcomes for all 50 states. Thanks to "really large samples." #sncrSusanne Rockwell
Both campaigns in 2012 Elections had big data crunching initatives #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
Nate Silver @fivethirtyeight forecast 49 of 50 states correctly in 2008 and 50 out of 50 in 2012. - @giorodriguez #sncr #factsmatterJD Lasica
We think tribally still and micro-targeting works #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
#sncr @kdpaine is up and talking about social media measurement standards.Svalderrama
. @kdpaine is wrapping up Day 1 of the #SNCR symposium with an update on the social media standards conclaveJen McClure
Photo: @kdpaine at #sncr talking Social Media Measurement standards http://tmblr.co/Z4iXbyWu9zjvShashi Bellamkonda
Mark Hannah #sncr fellow talking about Everday Pundits: Media as resources for debatesShashiBellamkonda
Vicki Jones of @goodwillintl receiving the #sncr excellence awardShashiBellamkonda
@Pgillin at the #sncr awardsShashiBellamkonda
@kdpaine is now speaking on social media standards at the #SNCR symposium #SMMstandardsSNCR
Ha! "Engagement: the most overused word in romance and social media." @kdpaine #SNCRJenni B. Baker
No matter what form of social media measurement, success stands or falls on the quality of the content says @kdpaine #SNCRTony Obregon
http://smmstandards.org has transparency standards #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
Less than 10 percent of what is posted on Facebook and Twitter actually gets read. @kdpaine #SNCRJenni B. Baker
Katie Paine makes case for being very conservative in calculating #SM metrics: don't use multipliers, but a divisor IS called for. #sncrSusanne Rockwell
Engagement is an action that happens after reach and implies an interaction @kdpaine #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
"Engagement always occurs in response to content. It's not something 'about' you -- that's earned media." @kdpaine #SNCRJenni B. Baker
"Engagement occurs in response to content," says @kdpaine #sncrJen McClure
Engagement can be un/desireable and occurs in response to content and must be tied to goals & objectives @kdpaine #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
"Any measure of engagement must be tied to the goals and objectives for your program" @kdpaine #SNCRSNCR
Engagement should be counted by the # of interactions, the % of people engaged (by day, week, month) & the % of engagement per post #sncrKaren Lee
Happy to be panelist: @StanfordBiz 86% of boards don't receive reports w/ summary metrics from social media http://stnfd.biz/f8vgt #SNCRCraig Forman
Influence happens when you are persuaded to change your behavior or opinion @kdpaine #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
Influence happens "when you are persuaded to change behavior or opinion that would otherwise not have changed." @kdpaine #SNCRPaul Gillin
Influence happens when you are persuaded to change behavior or opinion that would otherwise have changed #SNCRSNCR
"Influence cannot be measured by an individual score or algorithm" - @kdpaine #SNCR #HearHearPaul Gillin
Influence includes some combination of these 5 elements: reach, engagement, relevance, frequency and audience impact says @kdpaine #sncrJen McClure
Love the @GoodwillIntl shout outs from @kdpaine today. I'm only a little biased. #SNCRJenni B. Baker
Don't use the term ROI unless you're in accounting. Use "cost/benefit" or something else. @kdpaine #SNCRJenni B. Baker
When using #SM metrics, measure cost avoidance and risks mitigated in #SM first, says @kdpaine. #sncrSusanne Rockwell
Social media value can be measured in terms of positive value(sales) and avoided negative returns (cost/risk avoidance) says @kdpaine #sncrJen McClure
Sodexo getting a shout out from @kdpaine case study about cost savings in talent acquisition #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
If you'd like to weigh in and comment on the formation of the Social Media Standards work, visit http://smmstandards.org/ #sncrJen McClure
Measureable impact: internal communications, customer loyalty, communications and business @kdpaine #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
Real metrics: @kdpaine says you can measure impacts on internal communications, customer loyalty, outside communications, business. #sncrSusanne Rockwell
Shout out for Katie Paine's blog at http://kdpaine.blogs.com and The Measurement Standard at http://www.themeasurementsstandard.com. #sncrSusanne Rockwell
Can't afford Radian6 - use Google analytics custom reports and Google alerts, do basic survey research - ask opinions. via @kdpaine #SNCRMelissaHourigan
@kdpaine: Social media isn't the be all & end all of monitoring. Use survey tools too. Ask people's opinion says @kdpaine. #monitoring #sncrJD Lasica
Have any comments and suggestions on Social Media Standards? Go to http://smmstandards.org/ #SNCRSNCR
.@KDpaine suggests companies allocate 5-10% of your social media budget on data measurement, and ultimately, to measure effectiveness #sncrKaren Lee
#sncr 1st day: facing customers, employee engagement, board of directors & social media, marketing elections, Wikipedia & measurement stdsShashi Bellamkonda
Great! MT @shashib:#sncr Day 1: facing customers, employee engagement, board of directors & social media, marketing elections & measurementsLucie Newcomb
Applebee's - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://hashonomy.com/mEce/ #sncr #wikipedia (via @pgillin)Gus
#SNCR study: Most companies are not training employees about acceptable social media use (53.61%). This is a huge problem.KJ
More takings from #SNCR study: People trust the ACCURACY of company information gleaned from social media more than the company's websiteKJ
New study open for participation! The Social Business Benchmark #SNCR - participate to get the report http://www.surveymethods.com/EndUser.aspx?86A2CED484CCD6D480Vanessa DiMauro
“@360PR: Up next at #SNCR @shelholtz discussing how PR & @Wikipedia can work together for mutual benefit” Love to hear more...Laura Tomasetti
@StanfordBiz #SNCR Love to see the reports that the 16% do getTim
#SNCR Day 2! Agenda includes The Social Mind, Using Data to Change the World, Mobile Money & More! #360PRKyle Bishop
#SNCR Day 2! Agenda includes The Social Mind, Using Data to Change the World, Mobile Money & More! #360PR via @KRBishop360 Public Relations
@pauditore presenting on The Social Mind #SNCRSNCR
#sncr Starting day 2 with @pauditore to present his research on the social mindSvalderrama
Strong link between social networking and a "new global anthropolgy" because of interactions and interrelationships #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
Peter Auditore says there is a new global anthropology thanks to social media. #sncrSusanne Rockwell
#sncr trusted expert networks are replacing traditional news sources @pauditoreSvalderrama
Peter Auditore says #SM networks have created "the new word of mouth" or trusted expert networks. Must say not all meet this test. #sncrSusanne Rockwell
People participate online to help others and be part of a community 78% in Social Mind study @pauditore #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
#sncr why do you participate on line, #1: Help others, #2 professional community, #3: friends & family. Marketers r u listening?Katie Delahaye Paine
Auditore reports No. 1 reason (78 percent) active social network members want to help others by sharing info, ideas and experiences. #sncrSusanne Rockwell
Peter Auditore: social folks say 40 percent of effort is sharing with colleagues; 33 percent with friends. Family not so important. #sncrSusanne Rockwell
Auditore: Surprising find: websites still the top (48%) place to visit for social network participants in study. #sncrSusanne Rockwell
Online learners look to validate information independently than traditional resources : Social Mind Study @pauditore #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
.#SNCR: Users prefer graphics and curated content.Ingrid Sturgis
Here is a summary of #SNCR The Social Mind Research Study http://blog.leadernetworks.com/2012/07/insights-into-social-mind.htmlVanessa DiMauro
Auditore: People are looking for thought-leadership from authentic company sources demonstrates expertise for the company #sncrSusanne Rockwell
#sncr: Preferred info source = website & blogs. They're looking for expert but want to choose what to explore. but who are experts?Katie Delahaye Paine
#sncr If you have experts in your company, they should be blogging--Social Mind findings underscore thought leadership content @pauditoreSvalderrama
.@pauditore #sncr: Most participate online to learn from experts.Ingrid Sturgis
Auditore: Channels have changed: Experts followed on Twitter the most, not email or Facebook. #sncrSusanne Rockwell
When are you most likely to share information with others online? #SNCR360 Public Relations
Context matters in online sharing: People pass on info they believe in @pauditore #ff Social Mind Study #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
Auditore notes a very divisive America after the elections. He offers the hope that "maybe social media can bring us back together." #sncrSusanne Rockwell
@pgillin I think persuasion is explicit. Influence can also be tacit & implicit. #SNCR @kdpaine @khittel #infproPhilip Sheldrake
You have been influenced when you think something you wouldn't otherwise have thought or do something you wouldn't otherwise have done #SNCRPhilip Sheldrake
The Social Mind Research Study from #SNCR http://blog.leadernetworks.com/2012/07/insights-into-social-mind.html @pauditore360 Public Relations
#sncr 1/3 share information to enhance relationships. I wonder if anyone is actually measuring whether that's what happens?Katie Delahaye Paine
Context matters w/online sharing People pass on info from trusted sources, e.g., LinkedIn & niche social ntwks #SNCR Fellow Peter AuditoreJen McClure
Twitter/Microblogging and forums are the most common content creating activites - Social Mind Study @pauditore #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
An interesting question is, is thinking differently just a precursor to doing something differently in measurement terms? #SNCR #measureprPhilip Sheldrake
#SNCR Fellow Peter Auditore says primary reason people participate in social networks is to share information & help the communityJen McClure
Social Mind Study @pauditore collaborated with @vdimauro http://blog.leadernetworks.com/2012/07/insights-into-social-mind.html #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
@khittel Agree influence is most often a sedimentary process over time. But it can also be of the moment. #SNCR #influenceiscomplex #infproPhilip Sheldrake
@khittel And an influencer is only an influencer if we can demonstrate influence took place as a result of something they did. #SNCRPhilip Sheldrake
Auditore: Major shift in info flow: role of expert is rising; journalists no longer most authoritative. #sncrSusanne Rockwell
We have no scalable facility to ascertain or infer who or what caused someone to change their mind or behavior #SNCR #infproPhilip Sheldrake
Society for New Communications Research Conf hashtag #SNCR worth following along to. If anyone is commuting currently/still in the officeJonny Stark
So called "influence scores" do not score influence, but the propensity to have your stuff shared or referenced. +vely? -vely? #SNCR #infproPhilip Sheldrake
Most companies collecting social data are not yet strategically using it to enhance the customer experience says #SNCR Fellow Peter AuditoreJen McClure
why do major companies do social monitoring #1: reputation #2: customer service #3 social CRM & customer sat. #sncrKatie Delahaye Paine
@Sheldrake True! If measured in context & be able to track within a specific community wud take influence measurement 1 step closer. #SNCRSubramanyan RG
Peter Auditore: when they dont like you on facebook but then you engage attitude shifts and loyalty and satisfaction go up #sncrKatie Delahaye Paine
"@kdpaine: why do major companies do social monitoring #1: reputation #2: customer service #3 social CRM & customer sat. #sncr"Patrick Boonstra
@sheldrake The pitfall of the "data" we collect on internet social interaction is it's paucity of context. #SNCR #BigData #influenceAlan Berkson
@StanfordBiz Probably there is a need for paradigm shift. Stop reports, provide access to 'easy-to-use' tools for CxOs to leverage #SNCRSubramanyan RG
Need to channel @kanter for my #sncr presentation on #netnon Using Data to change the world. Not the same without her :(Katie Delahaye Paine
Excited to hear @kdpaine talk about changing the world with data for non-pofits. #nonprofit #SNCRMelissaHourigan
@kdpaine new co-written book, Measuring the Networked Nonprofit: Using Data to Change the World, offers advice and best practices. #sncrSusanne Rockwell
@kdpaine Most 'networked' nonprofits started out recently and all embrace social: They think differently than traditional nonprofits. #sncrSusanne Rockwell
Watching a presentation by @kdpaine, an author of Measuring the Networks Nonprofit http://bit.ly/TQgrMX - great book #SNCRWorkOptionsForWomen
"A huge amount of nonprofit success comes from peer approval." @kdpaine #SNCRJenni B. Baker
@kdpaine All initial contact is trial and consideration of engaging with networked nonprofit. Peer approval is a huge influencer. #sncrSusanne Rockwell
Important to consider answering - Do I like this organization enough to come back? for non-profit @kdpaine #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
The desired outcome of engaging people with your nonprofit is advocacy (not giving money). You don't want "ATM relationships" @kdpaine #SNCRJenni B. Baker
@kdpaine Once engaged, desired outcome is for getting the newby to recruit more advocates. Goal of nonprofits is to create advocates. #sncrSusanne Rockwell
@susan_w you should add #sncr to your event list for 2013Shashi Bellamkonda
7 steps to social media measurement - Define goals, audience, investments, define benchmarks, define metrics, select data, and analyze #SNCRSNCR
Humane Society case study and @cariegrls being mentioned by @kdpaine on goals and measurement #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
#sncr You become what you measure so pick your KPI carefully @kdpaineSvalderrama
#sncr Research without insight is just trivia @kdpaineSvalderrama
Measure failures first @kdpaine so you can manage your resources efficiently #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
Up next talking abour Mobile Money for the unbanked @isturgis #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
Thoughts??? Plank Center Study Reveals a Changing PR Industry http://bit.ly/VNK8As #SoloPR #PR #SNCRA Nieva-Woodgate
[PHOTOS] Took a walk about 300ft from Hotel Stanford is the El Palo Alto http://j.mp/RJWuXe #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
Sitting next to @mhopps at #SNCR and he's telling me about the new cool social media listening center at Cisco. http://ow.ly/fayTpTony Obregon
#sncr Up next is Ingrid Sturgis @isturgis of Howard University on Mobile Money for the UnbankedSvalderrama
Listening to the research Mobile Money for the unBanked by @isturgis #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
Purchase of airtime in exchange of cash in Asia was first use of mobile money. Used that in India a lot even today #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
Kenya Vodaphone Affiliate M-Pesa revolutionized mobile money @isturgis #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
Ingrid Sturgis: Mobile money for the unbanked: 25 percent of Americans are unbanked or underbanked. Generally black and Latino. #sncrSusanne Rockwell
21% of African Americans are unbanked via @isturgis #SNCRSNCR
Unbanked almost 8.2% and another category is unbanked @isturgis - many don't trust banks, high fees, sometimes denied by id issues #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
#sncr why don't people have bank acct? "don't trust, high fees" Use in stead: subprime credit cards 40%, payday loans 32%Katie Delahaye Paine
Corp are paying attention: Paypal, Mastercard, Wal-Mart, AmEx are all going after the non & underbank mkt. #sncrKatie Delahaye Paine
unbanked/underbanked is a large market and big players are looking at this space @isturgis #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
mobile money will exceed $1 trillion by 2014. #sncrKatie Delahaye Paine
Mobile transactions to exceed $1 trillion by 2014 #SNCR360 Public Relations
Opinions, recs & other qualitative measures are typically more valuable than raw sentiment & increasingly measurable @kdpaine #SNCRWorkOptionsForWomen
#SNCR Fellow @isturgis is sharing her research on mobile banking for the unbanked http://sncr.us.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_cIx5yYkYBVCDY32 http://pic.twitter.com/YXxJgbOZJen McClure
@isturgis talking Mobile Money for the Unbanked http://instagram.com/p/R0xTeCB5ns/ #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
#sncr Next up is Mark Hannah @Marksterritory on media as resources for debatingSvalderrama
Mark Hannah talking about memes in politics. Worked on Kerry Edwards in 2004 fascinating #sncrKatie Delahaye Paine
@jen_mcclure Jen, loving your #sncr updates & want to talk to you about a story I'm developing. Let me know what may work.Amanda Enayati
Mark Hannah delivering critique on new media effects on presidential campaign, beginning with the Swift boat ads and Kerry. #sncrSusanne Rockwell
Saving the #SNCR hash tag for a review later of the many excellent tweets and links from the conference.Jeff Davis
Very interesting background for fellow @MarksTerritory #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
Mark Hannah: Biggest 3 debate memes-Big Bird, horses and bayonets, binders for women. "Too many that is what the election was about." #sncrSusanne Rockwell
Photo: Mark Hannah #sncr fellow talking about Everday Pundits: Media as resources for debates http://tmblr.co/Z4iXbyWxi9hnShashi Bellamkonda
#SNCR Fellow @professorhannah is speaking about Everyday Pundits: debating the presidential debates via social media http://pic.twitter.com/J2mdoWUPJen McClure
'Big Bird, Binders & Bayonets: Best Political Memes' video is a #riot. Thanks @ProfessorHannah #SNCRPaul Gillin
.@ProfessorHannah discussing Media As Resources For Debating The Debates. Top memes from #election2012: Big Bird, Binders & Bayonets #SNCR360 Public Relations
#SNCR Fellow @professorhannah asks if we have moved "from a time of rapid response to rabid response" because of social and online mediaJen McClure
@professorhannah what makes something become a meme? Derivative of other meme, provocative, synecdochic. #sncrKatie Delahaye Paine
interesting that Big Bird + Binders all anti-romney. Bayonets mostly anti-Obama. #sncrKatie Delahaye Paine
.@ProfessorHannah #sncr Bayonets and binders memes research is fascinating and fun.Ingrid Sturgis
#SNCR Symposium brings up ?: Is social contributing to political divide in U.S. as people tweet intolerant views thru "rabid" responses?Susanne Rockwell
@alicekorngold yes discussed by Larcker at Society for New Communications Research Symposium #SNCR See Quick Guide http://stnfd.biz/faHapStanfordCorpGov
It's always great to be at a #SNCR event. The Symposium and tonight's Gala Awards always generate new ideas for meTom Foremski
Mark Hannah: Mean culture on social enhanced by clever art. But the most humorous ones getting most syndication. #sncrSusanne Rockwell
Provocative #humor gets big meme syndication. Mark Hannah, #sncr fellow, has great Pres. debate examples: BigBird, Binders, Bayonets.Kathy Klotz-Guest
#SNCR Fellow @professorhannah says that social media has proven to be a valuable tool for mobilizing votersJen McClure
May be interesting to read [Humor] Mattress ads back on TV - 10 ways you know the US election is over http://j.mp/XqvcZm #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
@sethgrimes exactly. They were taken entirely be surprise! #sncrKatie Delahaye Paine
@robincarey Great to meet you IRL at #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
Adobe wins #sncr excellence awardShashiBellamkonda
Favorite quip of 2012 #SNCR Symposium: Info graphics are the Kardashians of social media. @kdpaine is a pretty funny opiner.Susanne Rockwell
Very excited to meet @robincarey today at @SNCR Symposium! @socialmedia2day one of my go to pubs! #SNCRA Nieva-Woodgate
#SNCR - If your goal is donations, conduct a photo contest, track likes & link sharing, measure % increase in donations & cost per new donorMelissaHourigan
Lol. MT @UCDavisRockwell Favorite quip of 2012 #SNCR Symposium: "Info graphics are the Kardashians of social media." ~@kdpaineStaci Baird
@girljournalist Great to meet you at #sncrShashi Bellamkonda
Delicious meal and stimulating conversation. Thanks #sncrMaria Van Wambeke
Yeah @businesswire ready for awards #sncrMaria Van Wambeke
Excited to be at the #SNCR Awards with @lkniffin @JoieHealy @kcsnell. Let's go @CiscoSystems!!Kati Dahm
@mariavw Thanks for the wonderful conversation at #sncr awardsShashi Bellamkonda
Brilliant idea. For those who can't be fellows or sponsors #sncr now offers membership so you can still supportKatie Delahaye Paine
#sncr table team green http://pic.twitter.com/XvfmIV8XMaria Van Wambeke
Another great idea, become a #sncr member & you have access to industry benchmarks & best practice. Www.sncr.orhKatie Delahaye Paine
Excited to hear Paul gillin mc at the #sncr eventAngie Shin
#sncr With @Arie_ball @MD_Stewart and @greg_York. Very much looking forward to the Excellence in New Communications AwardsSvalderrama
Photo: @Pgillin at the #sncr awards http://tmblr.co/Z4iXbyWz7UbWShashi Bellamkonda
Photo: Mark Hannah #sncr fellow talking about Everday Pundits: Media as resources for debates http://tmblr.co/Z4iXbyWz7W5JShashi Bellamkonda
#sncr Excellence in New Communications: Congrats to #Stanford School of Engineering for new website getting 20% of traffic from social.Susanne Rockwell
Congrats Calgary on awesome web concept/philosophy. Others should mimic #sncrMaria Van Wambeke
#Stanford School of Engineering, City of Calgary& @socialmedia2day just won #SNCR Excellence in New Communications award-congratulations!SNCR
#SNCR Excellenece Award goes to Social Media Today for webcast w 600 attendees: fight the good fight to tell the good story!!!!Susanne Rockwell
W00t! @StanfordEng wins #sncr Excellence in Communications Award for school website relaunch. http://pic.twitter.com/oZmCkwVaStaci Baird
#Goodwill Industries Intl. has just won the #SNCR Award of Excellence in the Nonprofit division for its network if virtual communitiesSNCR
#SNCR #Goodwill Industries International wins excellence award for job training program. Created online community, job teaching skills.Susanne Rockwell
Congratulations to #Cisco, which has received the #SNCR Award of Excellence for its corporate newsroomSNCR
@kcsnell @SNCR @lkniffin @KatiDahm @JoieHealy congrats on #sncr award http://pic.twitter.com/mLNUt3MkShashi Bellamkonda
Cheers to #Bacardi for its #SNCR Award of Excellence in the Internal Communications & Communities categorySNCR
#sncr Excellence in New Comm awards One Barcardi for 100% increase in international communication, more videos, Twitter, lots of sharing.Susanne Rockwell
Photo: Congrats to Cisco for #sncr excellence award http://tmblr.co/Z4iXbyWzDSLcShashi Bellamkonda
@jamiemb congrats on your #sncr award http://pic.twitter.com/jk32cBQpkcsnell
#sncr Visionary of the year is Reid Hoffman of #LinkedIn. Congrats!Susanne Rockwell
#sncr Visionary of the year award to Reid Hoffman http://pic.twitter.com/cZ1ghegVShashi Bellamkonda
Reid Hoffman recognized as Visionary of the Year at #SNCRArie Ball
My Flickr Stream: Mark Hannah #sncr fellow talking about Everday Pundits: Media as resources for debates http://j.mp/VOYQqU #liShashi Bellamkonda
#sncr Congrats to TEDx for Fellows Choice Of the Year. Totally agree with the award.Susanne Rockwell
TEDx recognized as Org of the Year at #SNCRArie Ball
#sncr Congrats to Kickstarter for Innovator of the Year AwardSvalderrama
Hanging out w/ my old #cisco gang at #sncr gala -- super fun to see everyone!Jamie Beckett
Ushahidi open source mapping. Must leverage #sncr @publicityimMaria Van Wambeke
#sncr Congratulations to Ushahidi for Humanitarian of the Year AwardSvalderrama
"@Svalderrama: #sncr Congratulations to @Ushahidi for Humanitarian of the Year Award" cc @whiteafricanShashi Bellamkonda
Hey #sncr- 8 hours left for the kickstarter project i mentioned ;) A FUNctional accessory for your iPad http://kck.st/OVPh7BMelissaHourigan
Rutgers Center for management Development with SEO-PR have received the #SNCR Award of Excellence in the Measurement category - congrats!SNCR
Congrats rutgers, bw, seo pr @businesswire #sncr http://pic.twitter.com/GlDqceQbMaria Van Wambeke
@kcsnell thank you! Great to see u and the team on awesome #sncr award !Jamie Beckett
Excited to have won at the #SNCR Awards! @ Stanford Park Hotel http://instagr.am/p/R1hpA4q7bn/Cisco Systems
Congrats to @kcsnell and the whole Cisco team for #sncr excellence award!Jamie Beckett
Many congratulations to News Group International's Social-Eyez with Etisalat for the #SNCR Award of Excellence in Measurement & ROISNCR
News Group International's Social-Eyez just received another #SNCR Award - this one with EidaSNCR
Wow - a third #SNCR Award for Social Media Measurement to News Group International - with UNICEF - congrats @kdpaineSNCR
@kdpaine is sweeping #sncr Excellence awards with UNICEF, Social Eyez. Love the international focus. Congrats to KDPaine & Partners, etc.Susanne Rockwell
@ShelHoltz speaks on conflict and cooperation between PR and Wikipedia, a topic of great interest to us in marketing. #sncrSusanne Rockwell
UNIFIED has received the #SNCR Award of Excellence in the Technology category for its Social Operating PlatformSNCR
@mazennahawi should be very proud. News group just swept measurement division at #sncr awards 2 for @social__eyez 1 for @KDPaine & Partners!Katie Delahaye Paine
Thanks to @UNICEF @etisalat UAE EIDA for having the vision to do measurement and social media right! #sncrKatie Delahaye Paine
@UCDavisRockwell thank you, I'm honored #sncrKatie Delahaye Paine
Congrats @ciscosystems team #SNCR Award of Excellence @KatiDahm @lkniffin @JoieHealy http://pic.twitter.com/KMHhSTpAkcsnell
Many congratulations to Sodexo for its #SNCR Excellence Award in the Mobile category for its career site http://pic.twitter.com/FmPJOw8UJen McClure
@JamieMB congrats on your award and great to meet you IRL #sncrKatie Delahaye Paine
Sodexo says mobile app has increase diversity because more Latinos, blacks use mobile. So cool! #sncr Awards of ExcellenceSusanne Rockwell
Mini Lotus reunion at #sncr with @pgillin DMD Jamie O'Donnell , those were the days :)Katie Delahaye Paine
Dinner and award for @creativecloud social campaign #SNCR http://pic.twitter.com/PTr2TwB5Lori DeFurio
“@CiscoSystems: Excited to have won at the #SNCR Awards! @ Stanford Park Hotel http://instagr.am/p/R1hpA4q7bn/” > Congratulations!!!!Steven Reese
Congratulations to #Adobe for a #SNCR Excellence in New Communications Award for its Creative CloudSNCR
The final 2012 #SNCR Award of Excellence goes to Arketi Group -congratulations to all our award recipients!SNCR
So proud to win #sncr excellence award for @stanfordeng - credit goes to rockin' @girljournalist !Jamie Beckett
@CiscoSystems congratulations on the #SNCR award.Jamie
@mhopps great to chat with you at #SNCR awards. Thanks for hangin' with us gals. :-)kcsnell
86% of board of directors US/CA do not receive reports containing summary information & metrics from social media http://stnfd.biz/f8vgt #SNCRHelene Fritzsche
Stanford study: 90% of US/CA senior managers claim to understand, 32% monitor, and only 14% measure social media http://stnfd.biz/f8vgt #SNCRHelene Fritzsche
My Flickr Stream: Adobe wins #sncr excellence award http://j.mp/WOM9xD #liShashi Bellamkonda
Mngt impact “@dak1966: @IsabelRY interesting? shelholtz: #SNCR study: Treating employees as adults increases (cont) http://tl.gd/jufm62”Isabel Collins
@vijaysankaran #SNCR symposium audience heard preliminary results.The study's website is here: http://ow.ly/fbi0MShel Holtz
Good bye SFO friends #sncr #liShashi Bellamkonda
Good work guys: @Social_Eyez wins #SNCR Award of Excellence in Measurement & ROI for @EtisalatUAE #SocialMedia #SMM #UAEFarrukh Naeem
Well deserved! @EmiratesID wins #SNCR Award of Excellence #SocialMedia #SMM #Tech #News #Dubai #UAE cc @SNCRFarrukh Naeem
We won a Society for New Coms Research Excellence Award for http://engineering.stanford.edu. Look for more awesomeness to come on our sites soon! #sncrStanford Engineering
Bravo! #SNCR Award goes to....Cisco's Network. http://lnkd.in/KT4w_BKen E Kaplan
@MelissaHourigan feeling is totally mutual #sncrKatie Delahaye Paine
@die_hausmaus Eher Mehrrettich oder doch eher Wenigerreitich? #sncrRene
Props to our VO5 Facebook team MT: “@krbishop: @Laura360 we won honorable mention" #sncr #360PRLaura Tomasetti
Yippeee! @stanfordeng won Society for New Coms Research Excellence Award for http://engineering.stanford.edu. #sncr - super-proud!Jamie Beckett
@girljournalist @stanfordeng - aw shucks. Thanks so much! It was really fun hanging #sncr awards Friday.Jamie Beckett
Not a bad week, Got Obama reelected, won 3 awards at #SNCR, did my laundry and got my house cleaned. !Katie Delahaye Paine
@DignityPeace Hi there. Thanks! I made the presentation at the #SNCR Symposium in Palo Alto last week, just 2 days after the electionGiovanni Rodriguez
Rutgers University Wins SNCR Award for Unconventional Test of Press Releases Distributed With and Without a Phot... http://bit.ly/ZuXFMbEducation Technology
Rutgers University Wins SNCR Award for Unconventional Test of Press Releases Distributed With and Without a Photo http://dlvr.it/2T57pkBW_Multimedia
Rutgers University Wins SNCR Award for Unconventional Test of Press Releases Distributed With and Without a Photo http://dlvr.it/2T57wNBW_Education
Rutgers University Wins SNCR Award for Unconventional Test of Press Releases Distributed With and Without a Photo http://dlvr.it/2T57zREON Comm. News
Rutgers University Wins SNCR Award for Unconventional Test of Press Releases Distributed With and Without a Photo http://dlvr.it/2T59NCBW Comm. News
Congrats to Rutgers CMD on their @SNCR award - we were proud to be part of the research behind it! http://ow.ly/fdybE ^pdBusiness Wire
Rutgers University Wins SNCR Award for Unconventional Test of Press Releases Distributed With and Without a Photo http://dlvr.it/2T5CD1EON Business News
Rutgers University Wins SNCR Award for Unconventional Test of Press Releases Distributed With and Without a Photo http://dlvr.it/2T5DYhEON Education News
Rutgers University Wins SNCR Award for Unconventional Test of Press ... - Business Wire (press release): Rutgers... http://bit.ly/SfnE54SEO Updates
Congrats to Rutgers CMD on their @SNCR award - we were proud to be part of the research behind it! http://ow.ly/fdzZQ ^pdBusiness Wire
Rutgers University Wins SNCR Award for Unconventional Test of Press... http://lnkd.in/6Ykcc7Ibrey Woodall
Rutgers University Wins SNCR Award for Unconventional Test of Press... http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20121112005487/en/Rutgers-University-Wins-SNCR-Award-Unconventional-Test via @BusinessWire way to go @rutgerscomminfoMatthew Policastro
Rutgers University Wins SNCR Award for Unconventional Test of Press Releases Distributed With and Without a Phot... http://bit.ly/WYBdOeLuc van Poelje
Rutgers University Wins SNCR Award for Unconventional Test of Press Releases Distribu .. - BusinessWire http://bit.ly/Zv7tGcnews.IndiaLocals.com
Rutgers University Wins SNCR Award for Unconventional Test of Press Releases Distributed With… http://goo.gl/fb/5vUhSStudents Cloud
Rutgers University Wins SNCR Award for Unconventional Test of Press ... - http://PYMNTS.com: Rutgers Universit... http://bit.ly/VXeKj3SEO Updates