The Red Cross survey also found that among web users, social media sites are the fourth most popular source for emergency information, just behind television news, radio and online news sites. More web users say they get their emergency information from social media than from a NOAA weather radio, government website or emergency text message system. One in five social media users also report posting eyewitness accounts of emergency events to their accounts.All the ways to participate :
- Main Summit site -
- Follow the Twitter hashtag is #crisisdata.
- Emergency Social Data Society on Whrrl (
- White paper based on conference discussions (
Other Blog posts on this topic:
2010/08/10/crisisdata-getting- ready-for-the-emergency-data- summit/?utm_source= twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter -
emergency/ - http://incaseofemergencyblog.
com/2010/08/09/new-red-cross- study-finds-web-users-would- turn-to-social-media-in- emergencies-expect-1st- responders-to-be-listening-74- want-response-less-than-an- hour-after-their-tweet-or- facebook-post/
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