Good article and thought provoking question from Anne Zieger @nextHealthMedia What are we doing to leave patients so untouched, unconnected and unimpressed (maybe not disappointed, but not impressed) by their hospital stay that they do nothing to communicate about it on their own?
Amplify’d from
Seems like a good time to consider the following data, drawn from the Pew Internet and Life Project Report, which makes it pretty clear how little engagement consumers have with hospitals.Read more at
According to Pew data from blogger Nicola Ziady, 60 percent of e-patients engage with social media (sidestepping for now the question of how to *really* define an e-patient). What do they do online? According to Ziady’s data:
See this Amp at
Update : The headline was more for conveying that sites with user reviews are not as popular as Yelp is. I got this response on Twitter from Yelp Community Manager "No shortage of hospitals reviewed in your neighborhood!" . Point well taken.
Update : The headline was more for conveying that sites with user reviews are not as popular as Yelp is. I got this response on Twitter from Yelp Community Manager "No shortage of hospitals reviewed in your neighborhood!" . Point well taken.
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