Friday, March 14, 2008

SXSW : Top Takeaways


a) Don't take a heavy bag with you. If you have 3 cameras and a laptop ( Like I did) make sure you go to your hotel room or car to drop off the stuff before you go for a party.
b) Wear Comfortable shoes . The convention center is huge and you may have to walk miles
c) Follow @GerryTShow (Warning: Please click on this link after the kids are in bed) on Twitter but not in Downtown Austin.
Gerry T
I may have followed him at least 4 miles in the opposite direction trying to find the Frog party. Take a cab.
d) Don't attempt to attend all the sessions. If they are back to back in different rooms then you have to be faster than a high school kid.
e) @jonnygoldstein ( Jonny's Partay) @scottstead ( are good people to hang out with.
f) You may not like your detractor's opinion online but at a conference you are there to schmooze and have a good time.

Events :- Knowledge v/s networking
  1. Remember you will usually get a good wrap up of the sessions . it may be a good idea to see the events as homework after SXSW on the official site or other blogs. Give priority to meeting people while you are there.
  2. Pay attention to Twitter. You may see a open invite where other Twitterati are congregating.
  3. No dinner served at SXSW parties ( Please correct me if this is wrong)
  4. Having dinner with other attendees is better than standing in line at a party.
  5. The first day Friday is hang out day, Saturday is mixing with people.
  6. Sunday, Monday has a lot of activity.
  7. Tuesday is time to go home.
  8. If you are a panelist - get people to come to the panel by having a FaceBook group for the event.(like Rohit Bhargava did)
  9. There will always be a central place where all the bloggers/twitter folk meet. In this case it was the BlogHaus sponsored by AMD and others.SXSW: BlogHaus: Sponsors
  10. Take lot of pictures so there is proof if your word is not good enough.
  11. You may meet a queen
    SXSW :

  12. or even two queens
    SXSW : The Queen Pistachio

  13. Austin cabbies are all social media types except the guy who refused to let me eat ice cream in his cab.

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