Monday, December 01, 2008

Where will we go to when twitter is down?


SixApart has acquired Pownce and will shut down Pownce and employ the Pownce team. yeah ! Human beings rule !  The Pownce team was great  and godo luck to them when they move to Six Apart and develop a killer app that you an use with your Vox blog :) and give Facebook some competition ( pure speculation on my part)


Where to find the Pownce folks:

leah Culver :, Mike at, and Ariel ( she rocks !) The Six Apart announcement can be found on their company blog.

Twitter folks who answered my question 'Where will we go to when twitter is down?":

webconsigliere: @shashib - back to AIM!

sonnygill: @shashib We'll go outside and breathe some fresh air ;)

mammaloves: @shashib I was lying in bed last night with insomnia wondering that same thing.

jarehart @shashib Pownce! Oh...wait..

bkmcae @shashib I've noticed twitter is hardly ever down anymore. Or maybe I'm not on it as much. Or maybe both

paulswansen: @shashib Home?


Pownce had some tools at : wonder if those companies will develop Twitter tools?

Shout out to  @igobydoc @mklopez @livecrunch with thanks for pointing me to and


Blog talk about Pownce:

ReadWriteWeb (Last week open source star Rael Dornfest sold his personal assistant startup Sandy to Twitter.)

Venturebeat (Pownce says it created export tools so people can send their archived updates to blogs and elsewhere. (Go here to generate your export file.))

techCrunch (Even Robert Scoble, who usually embraces social web services, hasn’t updated his account since July.)

Wired  '“We’re bittersweet about shutting down the service but we believe we’ll come back with something much better in 2009. We love the Pownce community and we will miss you all,” writes Culver."

Masahable We’re planning on doing great things with the help and expertise of the Pownce team, and can’t wait to see all the results of their hard work.”

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